“Everyone’s a SuperHero(ine)”
Aprox 1hr of content.
In this short 1 project Workshop, I want to have some Fun!….Embrace our Inner Wonder Woman to create a strong, loose and confident figure painting.
We will create this Super Hero(ine) painting but with some abstraction, exaggeration and deconstruction along the way. As always I am about colour and texture, breaking up the lines and breaking away from precision and preciousness in our work.
Keep your composition Strong and remember it’s OK to add some humour to our work.
Be Bold, Body Confident and even Fight Evil along the way!
To create a smeary scraped underpainting. I use Prussian Blue, Azo Orange and Titanium white. I blob small amounts over my paper and using the 3 old brushes i kind of scrub them around, trying not to let them touch. If they mix the colours go horribly muddy. Spray with water so the colours loosen and even start to run.
With your squeegee and paper towel at the ready. Just scrape across the paint to create really interesting scrapes. You will need to watch out for runs and with need to wipe your squeegee. Remember to experiment!.
Once all totally dry, i draw the figure in. I keep the detail to a minimum and exaggerate the figure.
To start with I basically paint the figure in, quite roughly to start with.
Then i go back in again but whilst the paint is still wet, i use the old credit card to scrape across the paint. To smear the lines, to break up the surface. Unpretty the tight lines!
Repeat as required ..!
Let everything dry and reassess your smudges and scrapes.
With your squeegee and paper towel at the ready. Just scrape across the paint to create really interesting scrapes. You will need to watch out for runs and with need to wipe your squeegee. Remember to experiment!.
Once all totally dry, i draw the figure in. I keep the detail to a minimum and exaggerate the figure.
To start with I basically paint the figure in, quite roughly to start with.
Then i go back in again but whilst the paint is still wet, i use the old credit card to scrape across the paint. To smear the lines, to break up the surface. Unpretty the tight lines!
Repeat as required ..!
Let everything dry and reassess your smudges and scrapes.
feel free to draw in any line detail to define the figure if need be… but do not get lost in the details..
A large sheet of suitable mixed media or watercolour paper. I use a 20×28 inch canvas weave heavy weight paper.
Taped to a drawing board.
Acrylic paints in
Prussian Blue
Azo Orange
Titanium white
Raw sienna
Pyrole red
Ultramarine Blue (golden)
Pale gold (Daler Rowney)
Water spray
Paper towels
A household squeegee or an Artist scraper
Old credit card
Black Sharpie china graph pencil (or pencil of your choice)
Black Stabilo marks all(amazon)
3 x largish brushes
1 inch flat edge brush.
No, if you have everything on my list then it will be easier for you. But you can make do with out some of these items.
- Check the full list of requirements in the description
- Follow along videos
- Repeat the workshop as many times as you like
- Join private facebook group
Target audiences
- Any one that wants to learn a new form of art